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Fenwal 17000 Series Cartridge Style Thermoswitch
01-017002-000 (Stainless Steel
01-017000-000 (Brass Shell)
Principle of Operation The controller is a "strut and tube" type thermostat comprised of 2 basic parts: the outer shell, made of high expanding metal, and the strut assembly, made of low expanding metal. A pair of electrical contacts is mounted and installed in the shell under tension or compression. A net change in force is produced on the low expanding strut assembly as the high expanding shell expands or contracts with changing temperature. The temperature at which the contacts "make" or "break" can be regulated by a temperature adjusting sleeve. |
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Item ID | Catalog # | Description |
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FENWAL10002 | 01-017000-000 | -100 to 400F, with a brass shell and head material. and . 90F change per full turn of adjusting sleeve. | |
FENWAL10003 | 01-017002-000 | -100 to 600F, with a stainless steel shell and head material. 110F change per full turn of adjusting sleeve. |
*Thermoswich and Fenwal are trademarks and KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.
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